Wednesday, November 27, 2019


The YMCA (Young Mens Christen Association) is a world-wide Christian, voluntary movement for women and men with special emphasis on the involvement of young people. It seeks to build a human community of justice with love, peace, and reconciliation. Founded in 1844, it now works through 14,000 local associations and 45,000,000 members in 122 countries. YMCAs are the largest not-for-profit community service organizations in America, working to meet the health and social needs of 17.5 million men, women and children. YMCAs are for people of all faiths, races, abilities, ages and incomes. No one is turned away for inability to pay. YMCAs strength is in the All communities have different needs, so all YMCAs are different. A YMCA may offer child care or teen leadership clubs. A YMCA in the next town may have swimming lessons or drawing classes. Every YMCA makes its own decisions on what programs to The YMCAs mission is expressed in its motto taken from the Bible That they may all be one (John 17:21), and the Paris Basis, which emphasizes two main purposes working for unity and working for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, that is, working for a society characterized by justice, peace and love according to Commitment to its mission has led YMCAs to work with all people in the community. This commitment has also led the YMCA to work for social change, addressing the root causes of issues and problems faced by people. In addition to recreation, sports and educational activities as well as the front-line services to refugeesand displaced people, in many countries the YMCA is also engaged in the formation of movements for social change. It is involved in peoples issues through community organizing and programs for empowering the people. The Grant County YMCAs facilities and programs are ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pharmacogenomics essays

Pharmacogenomics essays Pharmacogenomics in the Future of Health Care Practice Abstract: Pharmacogenomics is an up and coming technology that encompasses the areas of health care, science, drug therapy and genetics. Pharmacogenomics research examines gene expression, and how drugs can be best suited to work with an individuals DNA sequence. Some drug therapies have already been developed by means of this research, but the effect of the use of pharmacogenomics in health care is slow to be seen. All health care professionals will be affected when the advancements of pharmacogenomics are in widespread use, and need to be prepared for its introduction. There are distinct sides to the controversial issue of pharmacogenomics in our society, and all individuals involved should be aware of the aspects of this new technology. Pharmacogenomics in the Future of Health Care The study of genetics has brought about a new way of thinking to the world of science. But the field of science is not the only area affected by the advancements in genetics; it affects every aspect of humanity. The use of genetics lies in a gray area, where right and wrong is not easily decided. Separate communities of thinkers debate whether the use of genetics in science and technology are beneficial or harmful to society. The introduction of genetics into the health care field forces society to decide what is ethical in the use of these findings. The field of pharmacology is no exception to this. The fusion of pharmacology and genomics, pharmacogenomics (Human Genome Program, n.d.), pioneers scientific advancements in drug therapy and also presents society with considerations to make regarding the ethicality of their use. Pharmacogenomics studies behavioral aspects of genetic information. According to the International Society of Pharmacogenomics (ISP) website, pharmacogenomics involves a larger area of genetics, searching for genetic variations, including DNA polymorphisms or gene...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Rhetorical criticism using Ernest bormann's Fantasy theme approach and Essay - 1

Rhetorical criticism using Ernest bormann's Fantasy theme approach and Neo-Aristotelian approach on Barack Obama's first Inaugural Address - Essay Example However, many Americans questioned his ability to lead with enough background and skills to address these concerns. This thesis examines the president 2009 inaugural address. The analysis of this speech shows how the president rhetorically managed to alleviate the concern of the USA’s people. And, in what manner he was rhetorically able to convince Americans that he is the right person to led the nation to the right direction through this difficult times. First, present and explains the chosen theories within classical rhetoric and the genre of the address. He then uses the selected theories to analyze the Obama’s inaugural address. The writer then makes assessment and discussion of the thesis statement from this analysis. The thesis has Ernest Bormanns Fantasy theme approach and Neo-Aristotelian approach to determine the type of speech, the usage and appeal form used. By utilizing this approach, it was possible to deduce whether Obama’s inaugural speech was rhetoric. The Obama’s rhetoric inaugural address has its own genre. Themes such as reconciliation, renewal, and national unity are an example of what is crucial in the American political discourse of inaugural addresses. In most of the cases, the writer quotes examples from the past to unify the nation and show the people of the America how goal can be achieved, and issues dwelt with. Inaugural addresses always contain three key themes; ability to rediscover the united state of America, emphasis on what it mean to be an American citizen and to show people that it is time for a new beginning. Inaugural address is supposed to be non-partisan and unifying. They should make people feel that if they come together they can achieve more (Fafner, 1998). Most of the Americans have a major concern about domestic and international issue. With the election of a new president, people want to feel that the needed reforms are steered for the